Comments=Sample file for other translations.|If you want to use the program in English I recommend to keep "<default>" as language, unless you want to make changes.
Authors=Antoine Potten|
<ActionBatchAddAction Caption="Add to batch" Hint="Add to batch|Add the selected action and its settings to the batch"/>
<ActionBatchOpen Caption="Open..." Hint="Open|Open a batch file"/>
<ActionBatchSaveAs Caption="Save..." Hint="Save|Save this batch to a file"/>
<ActionBatchRemoveSel Caption="Remove sel." Hint="Remove selected|Remove selected actions from the batch"/>
<ActionBatchClear Caption="Clear" Hint="Clear batch|Remove all actions from the batch"/>
<ActionBatchNoRecent Caption="(no recent file)"/>
<ActionAddFiles Caption="Add files..." Hint="Add files|Add files to the list"/>
<ActionAddFolders Caption="Add folders..." Hint="Add folders|Add folders or folder contents to the list"/>
<ActionRemoveSelected Caption="Remove sel." Hint="Remove selected|Remove selected files from the list"/>
<ActionRemoveAll Caption="Remove all" Hint="Remove all|Remove all files from the list"/>
<ActionRemoveDead Caption="Remove dead" Hint="Remove dead|Remove dead files from the list"/>
<ActionPreview Caption="Preview" Hint="Refresh preview|Refresh preview column with currently planned actions"/>
<cbxChangeExtNoRepl Caption="Do not replace extension, append it to current full name"/>
<lblChangeExtNotes Caption="Notes:<br>- Do not include the dot, just enter the new extension<br>- If you want to make an incremented extension, use the <LINK>Enumeration</LINK> action"/>
<lblStrReplSearch Caption="Search for:"/>
<lblStrReplBy Caption="Replace by:"/>
<cbxStrReplAll Caption="Replace all occurences"/>
<cbxStrReplCase Caption="Case sensitive"/>
<cbxStrReplExt Caption="Include extension in search"/>
<lblMultstrSearch Caption="Search for:"/>
<lblMultstrReplBy Caption="Replace by:"/>
<lblMultstrReplSet Caption="Predefined sets:"/>
<cbxMultstrReplExt Caption="Include extension in search"/>
<lblMultstrReplNotes Caption="Notes:<BR>- Use Ctrl+Plus (+) and Ctrl+Minus (-) to insert or delete a line at current position"/>
<lblStrInsStr Caption="String to insert:"/>
<lblStrInsPos Caption="At position:"/>
<rbtStrInsBegin Caption="From begin"/>
<rbtStrInsEnd Caption="From end"/>
<lblStrInsNotes Caption="Notes:<br>- If you want to insert a string after or before another one, use the <LINK>String replacement</LINK> action<br>- Extension is not included in the operation"/>
<lblCharDel Caption="Number of characters to delete:"/>
<rbtCharDelPos Caption="From position:"/>
<rbtCharDelBegin Caption="From begin"/>
<rbtCharDelEnd Caption="From end"/>
<rbtCharDelStr Caption="After the string:"/>
<lblCharDelNotes Caption="Notes:<BR>- To delete a specified string, use the <LINK>String replacement</LINK> action and replace the string by an empty one"/>
<lblEnumMask Caption="Mask:"/>
<lblEnumStart Caption="Start at:"/>
<lblEnumDigits Caption="Number of digits:"/>
<lblEnumIncr Caption="Increment by:"/>
<lblEnumNotes Caption="Notes:<BR>- %name% = Original file name (without extension)<BR>- %ext% = Original extension (including the dot)<BR>- %num% = Number"/>
<lblMP3Mask Caption="Mask:"/>
<cbxMP3TwoDigit Caption="Two-digit track number (insert a '0' in front of the number if required)"/>
<cbxDTSuffix Caption="Add suffix if more than one file with the same date/time"/>
<lblDTNotes Caption="Notes:"/>
<![CDATA[f Original filename (without extension)
e Original extension (including dot)
c Date and time using the standard format in Windows
d Day without a leading zero (1-31)
dd Day with a leading zero (01-31)
ddd Day, short name (Sun-Sat)
dddd Day, full name (Sunday-Saturday)
ddddd Date using Windows' short date format
dddddd Date using Windows' long date format
m Month without a leading zero (1-12)
mm Month with a leading zero (01-12)
mmm Month, short name (Jan-Dec)
mmmm Month, full name (January-December)
yy Year, 2-digit number (00-99)
yyyy Year, 4-digit number (0000-9999)
h Hour without a leading zero (0-23)
hh Hour with a leading zero (00-23)
n Minute without a leading zero (0-59)
nn Minute with a leading zero (00-59)
s Second without a leading zero (0-59)
ss Second with a leading zero (00-59)
am/pm Uses the 12-hour clock for the preceding h or hh
a/p Uses the 12-hour clock for the preceding h or hh
"xx" Characters enclosed in quotes remain unchanged
If m or mm immediately follows h or hh, minute rather than month is used]]>
<lblRandomMask Caption="Mask:"/>
<lblRandomMethod Caption="Method:"/>
<rbtRandomNumber Caption="Random number (8 digits)"/>
<rbtRandomTick Caption="Windows tick count"/>
<rbtRandomGUID Caption="GUID"/>
<lblRandomNotes Caption="Notes:<BR>- %name% = Original file name (without extension)<BR>- %ext% = Original extension (including the dot)<BR>- %random% = Random generated string"/>
<rbtCaseWords Caption="Upper first letter following any of these characters:"/>
<rbtCaseFirst Caption="Upper the first letter of the filename"/>
<rbtCaseUpper Caption="Upper"/>
<rbtCaseLower Caption="Lower"/>
<cbxCaseLocale Caption="Use Windows' locale settings to change accentuated characters"/>
<cbxCaseIncludeExt Caption="Also apply to extension"/>
<cbxFromListExt Caption="Append original extension of the file"/>
<lblFromListNotes Caption="Notes:<BR>- Each line from this list will be used as a name for a file. Items are used sequentially<BR>- If lines are empty or if there are not enough lines, the corresponding files will not be renamed"/>
<Item Name="straeFromListEnd" Value="End of list"/>
<Item Name="strfsNotRenamed" Value="%s was not renamed : %s"/>
<Item Name="strfsRenamed" Value="%s renamed to %s"/>
<Item Name="strfsReverted" Value="%s reverted to previous name %s"/>
<Item Name="strfsRenError" Value="Could not rename %s to %s: %s"/>
<Item Name="strfsNoOldName" Value="No previous name stored for %s to revert old name"/>
<Item Name="strfs404" Value="Source file not found"/>
<Item Name="strfsAlreadyExist" Value="A file or a folder with this name already exists"/>
<Item Name="strfeIdentical" Value="new name is the same than old name"/>
<Item Name="strhintNotAgain" Value="Do not show this hint again"/>
<Item Name="strhintShowPreview" Value="Preview column is now visible. If you want to hide it, click with the right mouse button on the column headers of the files list."/>
<AboutForm Caption="About this program">
<btn1 Caption="Close"/>
<tshGeneral Caption="General"/>
<tshCredits Caption="Credits"/>
<Item Index="0" Value="Warning"/>
<Item Index="1" Value="Error"/>
<Item Index="2" Value="Information"/>
<Item Index="3" Value="Confirmation"/>
<Item Index="4" Value="&Yes"/>
<Item Index="5" Value="&No"/>
<Item Index="6" Value="&OK"/>
<Item Index="7" Value="&Cancel"/>
<Item Index="8" Value="&Abort"/>
<Item Index="9" Value="&Retry"/>
<Item Index="10" Value="&Ignore"/>
<Item Index="11" Value="&All"/>
<Item Index="12" Value="No to all"/>
<Item Index="13" Value="Yes to all"/>
<Item Index="14" Value="&Help"/>
<OptionsForm Caption="Options">
<btn1 Caption="Cancel"/>
<btn2 Caption="OK"/>
<tshDisplay Caption="Display"/>
<tshAdding Caption="Adding Files && Folders"/>
<tshProcessing Caption="Processing"/>
<tshLanguage Caption="Language"/>
<lbhLists Caption="Lists"/>
<cbxRealtimeUpdate Caption="Real-time update when renaming files"/>
<cbxResizeColsFiles Caption="Auto-resize columns of Files list"/>
<cbxFilesIcons Caption="Show icons in files list, based on file extension"/>
<lbhFonts Caption="Fonts"/>
<cbxForceFont Caption="Force the following font for controls that have to display special characters:"/>
<Item Index="0" Value="Default Windows font"/>
<lblForceFont Caption="Note: Arial Unicode MS is strongly recommended if it is available"/>
<lbhDropdown Caption="Drop-down fields"/>
<lblDropdownMax Caption="Number of values to keep in history:"/>
<lbhToolbars Caption="Toolbars"/>
<lblIconSet Caption="Icon set:"/>
<lblColorType Caption="Color type:"/>
<Item Index="0" Value="Automatic"/>
<Item Index="1" Value="Greyed when inactive"/>
<Item Index="2" Value="Blended light when inactive (XP style)"/>
<Item Index="3" Value="Blended dark when inactive"/>
<Item Index="4" Value="Always colored"/>
<cbxOfficeXP Caption="Office XP style"/>
<lbhDragdrop Caption="Drag && Drop"/>
<cbxDragdropNoAsk Caption="Do not ask what to do, always use the following options:"/>
<cbxFiles Caption="Add files of selected folders"/>
<cbxFolders Caption="Add selected folders"/>
<cbxRecursive Caption="Apply these two options also to subfolders"/>
<lbhRenaming Caption="File renaming"/>
<cbxForceDir Caption="Force directories (allows to create folders if "\" are found in names)"/>
<cbxDetectAbsdir Caption="Detect a ":\" or "\\" as an absolute path (allows to move files to anywhere)"/>
<cbxCopy Caption="Copy instead of Rename"/>
<cbxGenerLog Caption="Generate log"/>
<lbhWhenStarted Caption="When started"/>
<cbxStartSwitch Caption="Switch to:"/>
<Item Index="0" Value="Files list"/>
<Item Index="1" Value="Actions"/>
<Item Index="2" Value="Log"/>
<cbxStartClearLog Caption="Clear log"/>
<lbhWhenFinished Caption="When finished"/>
<cbxFinishSwitch Caption="Switch to:"/>
<Item Index="0" Value="Files list"/>
<Item Index="1" Value="Actions"/>
<Item Index="2" Value="Log"/>
<cbxClearFilesList Caption="Clear files list"/>
<cbxClearBatchList Caption="Clear batch list"/>
<lbhLanguage Caption="Language"/>
<Column Index="0" Caption="Name"/>
<Column Index="1" Caption="Local name"/>
<lblVersion Caption="Version:"/>
<lblMadeby Caption="Made by:"/>
<lblComments Caption="Comments:"/>
<SelectDirectoryForm Caption="Select folders to add">
<btn1 Caption="Cancel"/>
<btn2 Caption="OK"/>
<btn3 Caption="Network..."/>
<cbxFiles Caption="Add files of selected folders"/>
<cbxFolders Caption="Add selected folders"/>
<cbxRecursive Caption="Apply these two options also to subfolders"/>
<DragdropOptionsForm Caption="Drag & Drop Options">
<btn1 Caption="Cancel"/>
<btn2 Caption="OK"/>
<lblOptions Caption="Options to use to add files that have been dropped:"/>
<cbxFiles Caption="Add files of selected folders"/>
<cbxFolders Caption="Add selected folders"/>
<cbxRecursive Caption="Apply these two options also to subfolders"/>
<cbxNotAgain Caption="Do not show this window again (keep selected options for next times)"/>